In a new series of Mythrill Author Spotlight we are introducing you to our very own original story author Nate Battalion— the author of Honor in the Dark; it is new on Mythrill app and has already gathered a loyal readership.
Tell us about your writing? What is your process?
My process for writing is attempt to be a planner and then just fly by the seat of my pants. My usual process begins with getting up before my children get up so I can get some uninterrupted writing done. After I go to work, I spend most of the day imagining what could happen in the next few episodes of my story, then at lunch I spend my time frantically outlining the next few scenes I think could take place.
When I get home, I revise my outlines and then go to bed for the next morning!
Who would you say are your influences in writing?
Tolkien was always the greatest influence in bringing me into fantasy, and Star Wars for science fiction. As a young adult, I read through Brent Weeks' Night Angel and Lightbringer, and those had a significant impact on me as a reader and writer. As an adult, I take a lot of inspiration from Sanderson's novels.
Did you have previous experience with Serialized Fiction before you partnered up with Mythrill or did you have to adapt to the format?
Before Mythrill I had never read serial fiction, thought about serial fiction, or considered writing serial fiction. I originally pitched an idea I'd started writing as a novel, and then later settled on Honor in the Dark, because I found it was an idea I really wanted to dig into more. I've mostly written short or flash fiction before, so adjusting to writing short episodes that build into a longer story was actually helpful for my process, it let me focus on the individual scenes without being anxious about the larger story at every moment.
What has been the experience like seeing your characters come alive in Lore Cards?
It's been very surreal, to see my ideas coming out in art. I had never imagined having someone draw any of my story concepts, and seeing characters, tech, and creatures I dreamed up brought to life in color has been an amazing experience.
I'm also one of those weird people who don't visualize their story as they write it; so it's been a challenge and a great discovery for myself to have to describe these pieces for the artists and to be able to visually see concepts that I've held only in my brain.
I'm excited for other people to be able to see them too!
It's taken a long time to find an artist to really fit the vision and aesthetic of Honor in the Dark, but I'm so glad the team waited to find the perfect one, because what I've seen of the final lore cards has been amazing!
You got 2 sentences to hook a reader into your story. Go!
Honor in the Dark is the brainchild of me reading a medieval feudal fantasy and thinking "but what if it was sci fi and castles were starships?" This story is a wild hybrid of military sci-fi, sword and sorcery, feudal politics, and a bit of space opera.
Finally, tell us why you partnered up with Mythrill? What made you go for it?
A friend actually shared Mythrill's website with me. I'm not sure where he found it, but we'd recently been discussing my difficulties writing long-form fiction, and he thought it might be a good fit for me. I'd been sending some of my short stories out and just thought "why not!" I am so glad I did!
You can read Honor in the Dark exclusively on Mythrill by downloading the app.